Padakun Pages

Saturday, 19 December 2015


This week the town of Renfrew released its and much-anticipated master plan for everybody's favourite park, Mateway. This park provides facilities and programming for a wide swath of our community, walkers can be pleased that there are some new improvements coming their way. This plan does not replace the much broader community plan that was released in 2009, rather it focuses specifically on Mateway Park. The Town has earned our praise and support.

The plan is based on a survey and study that was completed over the past year or so, which consulted citizens from all age groups. From a walkers perspective, the outdoor portions of the park were identified as being primarily used by walkers. The use of the trails was more than half of the access to the park, only slightly behind the use of the interior space, and hockey arena. In general the public is satisfied or very satisfied with the trails. There were some complaints, however these were not identified in the study, beyond a few general complaints. These are addressed in the proposed improvements.

The first of the improvements will be trail maps, signage and night time lighting. Continuing the theme of accessibility, there will be improvements to the trails below the hill making them much more usable for wheelchair users. There will be new picnic tables installed, creating a kind of outdoor dining room facility. There will be improved access and parking on the East side of the trails, where one accesses from Opeongo Drive. There is one other addition to the park for walkers and outdoor fitness people. In the North corner, beside where the soccer fields are, there will be a CrossFit workout area developed. There was some discussion of an indoor walking track, but this is something for the future.

It is clear from the report that the town is paying special attention to environmental concerns. There will be more recycling bins available. More importantly, the park will protect certain areas as conservation. Walkers can feel satisfaction at these developments. In combination with the parallel improvements all along the K&P and Millennium trails, we will have excellent outdoor walking facilities.

The Report is viewable here
(PDF 11.MB)
You will need to rotate the presentation.

Yours , on the journey,
Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet
Thich Nhat Hahn

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