Its tempting to just see it as a beautiful lookout, but its important in these times of sensitivity to aboriginal history to consider what has been written about this location :
The Eagle is sacred to all First Nations People upon Turtle Island (North America). Eagle soars in the sky and sees things clearly in all the sacred directions and colours; east, south, west, north, below, above and centre. Thus, the Eagle is a bird of Great wisdom and vision and when we visit its nest to be nourished and inspired by all the Eagle represents. When Eagle flies highest he transforms into Thunderbird, the Manitou or Spirit that flies closest to Kitchi Manitou – The Great Spirit. Where Eagle exists is considered sacred; a place of power and good medicines where people may come to see a “great view” or even to “vision quest” for spiritual guidance not only from Eagle, but from all Manitous and the Great Spirit.
There is a clear sense that one is standing on a special site when there. I felt a strong reverence for the place and, at the peak, there is a clarity and quiet which deserves respect.
For a map of the whole set of trails around Eagle’s Nest and Calabogie Peaks, visit:
Yours , on the journey,
Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet
Thich Nhat Hahn
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